Got Questions? We’ve got the Answers
Let us give your clients the time of day

Q&A Phone Answering for Kiwi Businesses

Don’t spend ages answering the same-old questions time and time again from different people - you and your team can’t afford to lose so much valuable time when Call Care has the perfect solution!

Our Q&A Answering Service conveys relevant answers to your clients in a professional manner. Have your prices, product information, timetables, and other relevant information given out to the appropriate people when they need it, all in a pleasant and professional manner.


No reason to change!

“Working with Call Care has been an excellent experience. We have had a long relationship. If we ever have issues, Call Care go over and above to resolve the issue to our satisfaction and with urgency. We have found them at least as reliable as our own staff. As a service they take care of our after hour calls and also during periods of high call volumes during business hours. They have supported our new businesses by adding additional answer services and this was done with urgency. They also guided us through the process that was involved. As I said we have been with them for a long time - 10 years! And we have no reason to change.”

— Jarrod Edge | Gilligan Rowe
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